Submission Guidelines

Feminist Dissent invites submissions of original and unpublished work that reflect the aims and principles of the journal (see About Us section).

The submitted articles must not be under review elsewhere. We publish both full-length academic articles and shorter Voices of Dissent pieces in each issue.

Authors must submit their work electronically here.

The journal office can be contacted at: 

Feminist Dissent
c/o Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies,
Humanities Building,
University of Warwick


Feminist Dissent is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year. All submitted articles for general non-special issues are initially read by at least two members of the editorial collective before being sent out for outside review. Special issue submissions are read by all members of the editorial collective and may be subject to peer review.

Voices of Dissent section is a non-peer-reviewed activist and creative space for dialogue and reflection and aims to present the work of activists, creative writers and artists working either outside or in the interstices of the academy and the public sphere. We welcome literary and visual work, as well as interviews, memoirs, reviews and experimental writing. Voices of Dissent welcomes short submissions (up to 3000 words in length) for publication in the journal.

Preparing the Manuscript

Submissions should be in Word File in English and should be double-spaced.

A separate title page should include the title of the article, the name of the author/s and their postal and email addresses along with relevant phone numbers.

To preserve anonymity in the peer-review process, the author/s’ name/s should not appear in the main manuscript.

A brief biographical note about each author should be supplied on a separate sheet. The article should be accompanied with an abstract of about 250 words for articles (but not Voices of Dissent pieces), plus a list of up to six keywords suitable for indexing and abstracting services.

Articles should normally be around 6,000 words in length, including notes and bibliography.

Voices of Dissent submissions should be up to 3,000 words. Please provide a word count at the end of the text, together with the date of the manuscript.

Use single quotations for quoted material within the text; double quotation marks should only be used for quotes within quotes. Do not use leader dots at the beginning or end of a quotation unless the sense absolutely demands it. For ellipsis within a quotation use three leader dots for a mid-sentence break, four if the break is followed by a new sentence.

Quotations of more than forty words should begin on a fresh line and be distinguished by indentations. Quotation marks are not necessary for quotations that are set out this way.

Do not change the spelling or punctuation in a quotation unless there is an obvious error, e.g. quotations from American books should retain American spelling. Use Oxford spelling generally, with -ise/-yse rather -ize spelling (organise, realise, analyse).

File Contents

Each illustration, table and figure should be uploaded separately (and be numbered for identification) and their position within the text clearly indicated by referring to ‘Table 1’ or ‘Figure 1’, never to ‘the table below’ or ‘the above figure’. Provide typed captions (including sources and acknowledgements) at the end of the main document.op

Word documents should be submitted as a single file. Authors should submit figures as separate files, in TIFF (.tiff) or EPS (.eps) (not GIF [.gif] or JPEG [.jpg]) format.

Please note that authors of accepted manuscripts may be required to submit high-resolution hard copies of all figures during production, as not all digital art files are usable. If you used any revision or editorial tracking tools in your word-processing program, be sure the final version of your manuscript does not contain tracked changes.

File Compression and Archives

If you have more than two files to send (e.g., manuscript, figures, biography, and cover page), we recommend you combine these files into an archive, so you send only a single file when submitting the manuscript. Applications for Mac OS (such as Stuffit) and Windows (such as WinZip) support the formats listed below.

The following archive formats may be used:

  • Windows or Unix zip (e.g., “”
  • Unix tar (e.g., “archive.tar” or compressed with a gzip as “archive.tar.gz” or “archive.tgz”)

Revised and Final Version of Manuscript

If you are submitting a revised manuscript, please include your responses to the reviewers’ comments as part of a cover letter file. When submitting a revised manuscript with figures, including all figures, even if they have not changed since the previous version.

Copyright Issues

The author holds the responsibility for checking whether material submitted is subject to copyright or ownership rights, e.g. figures, tables, photographs, illustrations, trade literature, and data.

The author will need to obtain permission to reproduce any such items and include these permissions with their final submission. Please add any necessary acknowledgments to the typescript, preferably in the form of an Acknowledgments section at the end of the paper.

Credit the source and copyright of photographs, figures, illustrations, etc. in the accompanying captions.


Notes should be avoided (they can often be taken into the text itself, sometimes in brackets). If notes are deemed necessary, however, they should be kept to a minimum and placed at the end of the article. Footnotes should be avoided.

Notes should be indicated with superscript letters. Distinguish between notes, which elaborate or explain a point in the text, and references to sources and other published material.


The Harvard reference system is used in this journal. In the text give the name of the author (use et al. for three or more authors), the date of publication and, following quoted material, the page reference – e.g. ‘Many composers have attempted to return to this state of childhood’ (Swanwick 1988, p. 56); several authors have noted this trend (Smith, 1970; Jones and Cook, 1968; Dodds et al., 1973).

The date of publication cited must be the date of the source referred to; when using a republished book, a translation or a modern version of an older edition, however, the date of the original publication may also be given, e.g. Orwell (2002[1930]).

Where there are two or more works by one author in the same year, these should be distinguished by using ‘1980a’, ‘1980b’, etc.

The reference list should include every work cited in the text. Please ensure that dates, spelling, and titles used in the text are consistent with those listed in the reference list.

The content and form of the reference list should conform to the following examples.

Please note that page numbers are required for articles, both places of publication and name of the publisher should be given for books and, where relevant, translator and date of first publication should be noted.

Do not use et al. in the reference list; list each author’s surname and initials.

For a quick guide to Harvard referencing please click here.

Useful Resources


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Last modified: September 24, 2020

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