Author: Nira Yuval-Davis
Nira Yuval-Davis is an editorial collective member of Feminist Dissent. She is Professor Emeritus, Honorary Director of the Research Centre on Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) at the University of East London. She has been the President of the Research Committee 05 (on Racism, Nationalism, Indigeneity and Ethnic Relations) of the International Sociological Association, founder member of Women Against Fundamentalism and the international research network on Women In Militarized Conflict Zones and has acted as a consultant for various UN and human rights organisations. She won the 2018 International Sociological Association Distinguished Award for Excellence in Research and Practice. She has written widely on intersected gendered nationalisms, racisms, fundamentalisms, citizenships, identities, belonging/and everyday bordering as well as on situated intersectionality and dialogical epistemology. Among her books are Woman-Nation-State, 1989, Racialized Boundaries,1992, Unsettling Settler Societies, 1995, Gender and Nation, 1997, The Warning Signs of Fundamentalism, 2004, The Politics of Belonging: Intersectional Contestations, 2011, Women Against Fundamentalism, 2014 and Bordering (2019). Her works have been translated into more than ten languages.
October 15, 2023•
Blog Posts
Nira Yuval-Davis reflects on the ongoing war that has reached “a new and dangerous stage that can reverberate not only across the region by across the globe”.
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November 17, 2020•
Blog Posts
Antisemitism exists in all parts of British society and the Labour Party is the only mass organisation which is trying to deal with it,...
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