Issue #7 (2023): Afghan Women’s Resistance: Forty Years of Struggle Against Gender Apartheid
This special issue is based on the Afghan Women’s Resistance: Forty Years of Struggle Against Gender Apartheid
Public Meeting – Solidarity With Birmingham Schools: Defending Equality!
This public meeting has been called to show solidarity with the brave stand taken by the school, and to call on all schools to continue in their duty to teach about all equalities and encourage a non-discriminatory and inclusive school environment.
Issue #4 (2019): Special Issue on Prevent
The focus of this Issue is the UK’s counter-radicalisation programme ‘Prevent’. As a number of articles in this Issue explain, this policy is part of CONTEST, the UK government’s counter-terrorism strategy.
Issue #2 (2017): Special Issue on Gender and Fundamentalisms
This special issue is based on a series of symposia on Gender and Fundamentalisms conducted over the last four years on different aspects of the relationship between gender and fundamentalisms.